28 February 2023: Multiplier Event in Italy

The final event of the RAMONES-PL Project "Monitoring and evaluation system of rural consultancy linked to precision learning" in Italy, held in Centro Congressi Cavour in Rome, represents a moment of dissemination and comparison, with consultants, regional administrations, and other actors in the agricultural and forestry world, on the results and outputs achieved within the project, as well as an opportunity to reflect on the role of consultancy in the CAP.

The objective of the project is to strengthen and improve the standards of consulting services through a monitoring and evaluation system that can simultaneously support the development of precision professional training programs, i.e. tailor-made, with respect to the needs of the consultants.

Participation in the event gives the right to the recognition of 0.438 CFP for members of the Order of Doctors of Agronomy and Doctors of Forestry.

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